Saturday, October 9, 2010

learning & loving through imitation

i have read a lot over the years about learning through imitation in young children, the waldorf way. i have seen it played out in the classroom many times--by nursery and kindergarten aged children. but i am most delighted to see my sweet girl imitating the simple rhythms of our days at home. it amazes me that such young children (she was about a year old when she started putting her babies to bed, gently tucking them in) can learn so much through our example. i relish in seeing all that i have read about come to fruition in my own child, i feel so much love for her little hands working and learning and and sush-ing me when it's time for bed.
i know i am beaming a bit too much here, but i just can't help it this fine fall evening sewing projects all a go while my little one sleeps soundly in the next room and my beloved makes dinner.
thankful and loved.

1 comment:

Iris E. said...

so sweet! Love it love it love it. Sylvan and Jonas both used to nurse their babies and wear them in slings. Those days are gone and now it feels like they are learning by being browbeaten into submission (bathing, hygiene, picking up dirty clothes, putting things away, etc.).

And I LURVE your banner picture of miss Em!
