Sunday, October 17, 2010


i just got some really exciting mail over the weekend! furniture and some little treasures from my friends over at bella luna toys! be sure to check out sarah's waldorf inspired blog!
finally it feels like our little space is really coming together, last on the list some lazure painting...peach blossom anyone?
i'm working on a tutorial for the painting to be posted in the coming weeks!
my love, as you may know by reading, has determined himself the cook and me the handyman. i am cool with this. i kinda loathe the market trips because i always get camille would say "by the cute little chevre in the tiny wooden box" and forget the eggs, milk and bread. i also always spend too it is a big relief that alex has taken over the bulk of shopping, organizing the pantry and cookin' our dinners!!! likewise i am basking in the glory of my hardware store gift certificate left over from my birthday (thanks mom!) and getting all my tools in order.
this is the long way of saying these things arrived in a flat box and i put them together whilst my beloved napped on a full belly.

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