Thursday, November 11, 2010

for my bebe.

my girl loves bunnies, i'm not sure you know that yet. she adores them and can pick a bunny/rabbit/hare out of a crowd so fast it would make your head spin. she has always loved this lilttle pink lovey bunny we got from our friend nik and even though i have to admit to trying to loose it in the beginning ( you mean dear you don't want your organic, stuffed wool want your engineered pink one? hmpf!) but as i have seen her love grow for her lovely bunny and bunnies in general and even go through a three week phase where she would NOT put bun down, i mean even at batht ime, the little silky pink thing has grown on me.
the other day when i was cutting out felt shapes for hats em said bunnnnnny (she often asks me to draw or paint a quick bunny,kitten, or mama) i snipped out this rough bunny that happened to be the exact cotton candy color of her own. and she fell in love of course and well so did i!
i even made a few more and they are available in the shop!
short story//long.

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