this summer is really heating up.
a lot of projects i had planned have been put on the back burner for some other projects AND a part time job.
the part timer life is okay, but i really miss being at home with emma and the alex is a teacher but this is his first 'true' summer off. he usually works out on a farm in freedom that supplies the veggies for the farm to table restaraunt chase's daily (my former alma matter also). but this year since we are just getting our feet wet in the greater portland area he is only teaching a 1 day a week music workshop at urbano.
so- lots of beaches, swimming and biking. lots of days at home with our wee one while i'm at work.
this is to say though- i recv'd, a few weeks back, a wonderful package in the mail. a project which will officially start july 28th with the arrival of an old friend from high school who is an artist and prof. in houston see here:
we have decided to make a quilt together referencing paul klee's painting.
we are using all thirfted materials (pillow cases, sheets, table linens)
you must know by now dear readers my love of old vintage linens runs deep. esp. vintage pillow cases. over the years i have bonded with several ladies over this fact. namely hannah and steph- the latter whom i will share this undertaking with.
she snipped some samples of her stash and sent them along!
with this sweet jumper & some stuffed animals for em too!
with our re-meeting only a few days short of 2 weeks away, we are getting pretty excited over here.
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