Monday, January 28, 2013

In all her GLORY

We lost a hen this week.  She really held out and kept perking up for over a week, but alas she didn't make it.  Here she is in all her glory, sunning herself on the children's playstructure.
Watermelon as the children named her--was a sweet ole thing and very loved around here.
She arrived last spring from a friend with one to many chickens at the time and quickly became the cute, charming NEW girl in helped that our rooster, Clover, at the time took a liking to her...but truth be told once he was gone she started to make her way down the pecking order endng up last somehow?
The dear friend who gave her to us took her home the other day to her heated coop to see if it would help her, but as the story unfolded this little red hen went to heaven.

Kisses to Watermelon, a true lady and a sweet sweet hen!

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