Tuesday, September 14, 2010

short lived, thanks goodness.

em and i embarked on a new and very short adventure last week! pre-school.
i had the chance to work as a pre-school teacher in a nearby, very mainstream setting.
we lasted 3 days.
BUT the mornings were fun in there own way, packing up 3 lunches and heading out "for school".
i am so glad i know about alternatives to educate the young child!
but actually it was more inter personal differences than anything else. pretty hard to teach a classroom full of children while fighting them to put away there portable video games, and no hugs at nap time- unbelievable!
i have a fondness for old pre-k/kindy classrooms...the linoleum floors, those tiny rectangular windows that jut out, the class pet...
our classroom had none of those charms...except "mister nibbles" the class bunny.
it was worth it just for that.

the above pictured classroom is NOT the one we went to...it's the kind we wouldn't mind...

1 comment:

GloamingDesigns said...

oh that sad face!! :*(

seriously, no hugs? what's that about?!