Monday, May 14, 2012

back to the land (of blogging)

it has been a long time friends, and i have missed you. but the thing is my life had gotten so busy since january that it seemed some things needed to take a back seat for a while...and while we expanded our dear little school, morning glory garden and while mosey gets a shop update (more on that later this week) and while i grow a baby, a virgo baby, well the blog just sat for a while. but now that the last of the mitten weather is truly gone in new england, now that the daffodils are here, now that we have baby chicks waiting to hatch...all seems right with the world. spring has come to maine and to my heart and mind and i am able to have a bit more time for myself (and you!) i'm so glad to be sharing in this space again and look forward to all the new adventures ahead. many thanks for coming by and see you tomorrow!

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