just love this boy & his brother, 2 of little bits favorite friends of all time!
and mama's too! |
then there is this guys, keeping it real in his gifted reindeer snow suit! |
the fun continues as our sweet friends arrive with decorating sugars in hand |
The playschool children making a batch of sugar cookies as presents |
Sometimes i take a step back and i have to laugh! My social life really revolves around the children in my life! I know I am their teacher, but often they just feel like my friends! Those little/big eyes watching how things are done, and taking it all in.
Kids have always been my favorite people. I'll be telling my husband at the end of a long day: "You won't believe what so and so said to so and so" and actually he chuckles a bit but he understands because he is a teacher of small children too.
They have such pure magic!
I have credited my little sister, 10 years my younger, here before with sparking my absolute love of children and I will so mention it here again. Thanks girl!
I relished in this last Spring during
egg dyeing season and here it is again creeping up on me during cookie making season, they JOY, the CHEER! The willingness of little ones to do and create things they love over and over with such WONDER! We had about 4 good days of cookie making between
playschool, dear friends, aunties, Nana's and Papa's (late night cookie monster he is!)
Above are some of the results!
I hope that your season was full of as much sweetness as ours was, edible or otherwise,
and may the WONDER of childhood never leave us~ !
What are some of your favorite childhood traditions or memories, what are the current ones you love to do or make with the littles in your house?