Sunday, July 1, 2012

new diggs! {for the chickens}

around here it was time to move the chickens to a more permanent home for the summer. they have been free ranging all winter and spring, we've had 5 new chicks hatch and the flock has grown. time for them to all be together for a while in a new run!
the mister set about his work on saturay and finished on sunday. little bits swooped in to help every chance we let her, and this pregnant mama just sat back and watched her formerly un-handy husband go to town. in the past few years he has gotten so hand and able to sketch and build a few things. this chicken run is awesome though and so so needed for flock (and family) sanity. i must say having 14 chickens of varying sizes running all over the yard and deck was a little too much for us at times!
so here's the new coop set up, complete with ribbon ties (little bits idea)...and we are loving it.
the chicks are too, they are sort of basking in the homebody and safeness of it all, especially since we are sans rooster now (more on that later)

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