(some love for laura ingalls wilder)
just her name was magic to me as a child...wild-er
it gets to be maple sugaring time and my mind gets to thinking about a well loved book. recently talking it over with some friends at dinner (very writerly ones at that) we all commented that not only did our children love the stories- but we did. we loved them so- and continue to. we actually went around telling our favorite stories from the books as if they were our own to tell and in a way they are. the sheer simplicity has this "stick to the ribs" quality like homemade maple syrup. only one ingredient (4 if you count fire, love and a lot of patience) but the result is something we want to breathe in deep.
the story i told was of the maple sugaring and the snow and the maple syrup on the snow..and then the dance. my all time favorite story and kinda of a HAPPY PLACE i have always gone to since reading and re-reading as a young girl.
i have written before at lenghth about the *little house books*, as i called them growing up, and how reading them to my afternoon kindergarten class one year had such power and how they just have so much worth. so in this post i will keep it simple and say- it's maple sugaring time, the buckets are out all around town..and hey by the way--it's snowing right now!